Research Projects [2021-Present]
- Improving MultiScale and Mutlti Resoulution Spatio-Temporal Segmentation guided Classification for Remote Sensing
- Irrigation Canal Mapping: Constraining the Network Topology and Reachability to Water Sources
- Agent-Based Modelling for Agricultural Water Use
- Data-Driven Nash Bargaining Framework for Understandingn Agent Behavior in Conserving Resources among different States
Undergraduate Thesis [2018-2019]
Accepted as a Full Paper in ICIET 2018. This is a real-time system which detects sign from a video and classifies the sign in the video. For the purpose of our work, we developed a robust dataset from scratch - BdSLImSet - which is available for further research. Our system is trained on Faster R-CNN and detects the sign with great accuracy. [Paper] [Dataset]BANGLADESHI SIGN WORD RECOGNITION USING LSTM:
This is a system which detects sign words -sequence of actions- from a video. This works with sequential data and falls under the domain of action recognition. For the purpose of our work, we developed a robust dataset from scratch - BdSLVidSet - which is available for further research. This dataset is trained using CNN for feature extraction and LSTM to combine the sequential feature to recognize the words. Dataset
Undergraduate Course Projects [2015-2019]
- Efficient Noise Reduction System With Dataset:
In this project, user can add noise - Salt Pepper Noise, Gaussian Noise and Speckle Noise – and apply filters Wiener Filter, Median Filter, Gaussian Filter by varying the parameters. (Tools: Matlab). - Personality Analysis Using Various Feature Scaling On Dataset :
It’s a human behavior analysis project using the data collected from our department. (Tools: Python and Data Analysis Libraries (NumPy, Panda, Matplotlib, Scikitlearn, TensorFlow, Keras)). [Code] - E-COMMERCE WEBSITE WITH JAVA SERVLET AND RMI:
E-commerce based website. (Tools: Java, Servlet, RMI, Bootstrap, Oracle 10g).[Code] - PUZZLE GAME WITH A STAR ALGORITHM:
This game is implemented using WebGL and JavaScript. (Tools: WebGL, JavaScript). [Code] - SUPER-SHOP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM:
Distributed database management project. (Tools: Oracle 10g, PL/SQL). [Code] - ROBO MOS FACE RECOGNIZING MESSENGER:
Server-client based face recognition and communication system. (Tool: Raspberry Pi, Python2, OpenCV, Pi Cam). [Code] - SHOPEXPERT:
E-commerce based website. (Tools: Visual Studio 2017, MVC, ASP.NET, C#). [Code] - CINEFREAK:
Movie listing based android app. (Tools: Android Studio, XML, Java, SQLite). [Code] - BAZINGA:
Movies information-based website with various user features. (Tools: HTML, PHP, MySQL, WAMP). [Code] - SUP:
Desktop based server-client chat application with file sharing option. (Tools: Java, Netbeans). [Code] - WAR OF SPACESHIP:
Desktop based shooting game with several fun features. (Tools: Visual Studio 2010, iGraphics, C). [Code]
Personal Projects [2018-2020]
- 37 Dogs Breed Classifier
- Face Recognition System Using Facenet (1:k matching problem)
- Sentiment Analysis from Facial Expression
- Neural Style Transfer
- Hand Segmentation (wearing gloves)
- Human Segmentation and Background Remove
- IMDB User Review Analysis