I am currently a third-year Computer Science PhD student at the University of Virginia, under the guidance of Dr. Madhav Marathe at the Biocomplexity Institute. My research interests encompass Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision. My current projects include: (i)Topology preserving segmentation for Remote Sensing: Working on developing novel machine learning algorithms designed to detect irrigation canals from remote sensing data. This involves creating models that interpret irrigation canals as networks, focusing on understanding the topological structure to enhance model learning and refine inaccurate ground data. (ii) Irrigation Mapping from Sattelite images: Developing a deep learning system tailored for irrigation mapping in varied environments. This project uses cutting-edge machine learning and Computer Vision techniques, integrating joint learning approaches to improve the segmentation model's ability to discern coarse features of different irrigation types.
Prior to my PhD, my undergraduate research at Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST) also centered on Computer Vision and Deep Learning. Following my graduation in Computer Science, I gained practical industry experience as a Software Engineer at Enosis Solutions in Bangladesh, where I worked for a year.

Contact: oishee@virginia.edu

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Recent News

  • [June 2024] - Attended CVPR 2024 and presented a paper and two posters.
  • [May 2024] - I have received DEI Travel grant from CVPR.
  • [May 2024] - I have received WiCV Travel Grant for attending CVPR.
  • [April 2024] - My poster has been accepted at WiCV, CVPR 2024.
  • [April 2024] - My first-author paper “IrrNet: Advancing Irrigation Mapping with Incremental Patch Size Training on Remote Sensing Imagery” has been accepted at V4A, CVPR 2024
    and selected for both an oral and poster presentation.
  • [April 2024] - I have been awarded full travel grant from the 2024 CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference.
  • [April 2024] - My Doctoral Consortium submission, “IrrNet: Spatio-Temporal Segmentation guided Classification for Irrigation Mapping”, has been accepted for the 2024 CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference.
  • [April 2024] - My Poster “Irrigation Canal Mapping: Constraining the Network Topology and Reachability to Water Sources”, has been accepted for the 2024 CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference in San Diego, California!
  • [Jan 2024] - Joined UVA Computer Science Graduate Student Group (CSGSG) Council, 2024 as Social Chair
  • [June 2023] - Started Internship Program with USDA-ARS AI-COE/SCINet
  • [April 2023] - I’ve been awarded a fellowship as part of my selection for the USDA-ARS AI-COE/SCINet Graduate Student Internship Program.
  • [April 2023] - Presented our work at CCI Symposium 2023
  • [April 2023] - Attended 2023 CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women Workshop
  • [Jan 2023] - My joint first-author paper “COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions: data annotation for rapidly changing local policy information” got published in Scientific Data - Nature.
  • [Jan 2023] - Our Team Won 3rd Position in AgAthon - 2023.
  • [Jan 2023] - Participated in AgAID Digital Hackathon 2023 AgAthon.
  • [Jan 2023] - One First Author paper got accepted at Scientific Data - Nature.
  • [Jan 2022] - Joined UVA Computer Science Graduate Student Group (CSGSG) Council, 2022 as Space and Media Chair
  • [Jan 2021] - One long paper is accepted at Springer Nature Computer Science Journal.
  • [Jun 2020] - Participated as a Volunteer in NAACL’21.
  • [Dec 2020] - Presented a paper at ICCIT 2020.
  • [Dec 2020] - Presented a paper at ACCV MLCSA Workshop 2020.
  • [Nov 2020] - One paper got accepted at ICCIT 2020.
  • [Oct 2020] - One paper got accepted at ACCV MLCSA Workshop 2020.
  • [Aug 2020] - One Preprint got published at Research Square.
  • [Dec 2018] - Presented a paper at ICIET 2018.
  • [Nov 2018] - One paper got accepted at ICIET 2018.
  • [Nov 2018] - Participated in ACM ICPC DHAKA REGIONALS 2018.
  • [Oct 2018] - Participated in National Girls Programming Contest 2018.
  • [Jun 2018] - Hosted Aust Cse Week Prize Giving Ceremony - 2018.
  • [Nov 2018] - Participated in ACM ICPC DHAKA REGIONALS 2017.
  • [Dec 2016] - Participated in National Girls Programming Contest 2018.

Recent Project Demonstrations